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Get Out Get Active (GOGA) is a programme that runs across the UK. We support disabled and non-disabled people to enjoy being active together.

Aerobics woman drinking water whilst laughing signpost


Want to have fun, be healthier and connect with others in your community?

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Learn and develop new skills, build confidence and help make your community healthier, happier and stronger.

Family playing sitting volleyball signpost


Want to explore how your organisation could connect with GOGA? Find out how.


Why be active?

Improved self-esteem

Being active makes you feel good and helps to improve your self-esteem.

Bill be active

Improved physical health

Being active helps reduce the risk of a range of diseases such as coronary heart disease or type 2 diabetes.

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Improved energy levels and mood

Being active can sometimes help make everyday activities easier and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

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Connecting communities

Happier and more connected communities through fun and inclusive ways.

Seated exercise be active

Want to have fun, be healthier and connect with others in your community? Get involved with GOGA.