The English Federation of Disability Sport recognises the importance of providing a website that is accessible to our user groups, including people with a wide variety of impairments and health conditions.
This statement explains the accessibility features we have implemented to help you use our website. They help to improve navigation including for screen readers, keyboard navigation and text-only browsers.
Accessibility issues with our website
While we strive for accessibility on all pages, we know there can be various issues when publishing so much information.
Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback regarding the accessibility of this site or if you experience any difficulty using it. While we test it after launching it, you can email Email Sarah Brown-Fraser or call 0161 228 2868. You can also Contact Us
Help using computers, the web and assistive technology
If you need extra help in using computers, the web and assistive technology, you can visit BBC My Web, My Way. This site has videos and information to help you use the accessibility features of your computer and how to make it easier to use the web.
General information
We've designed this site with accessibility in mind. Some of the general features include:
The use of common web conventions.
The use of clear, simple language which makes it easier to understand.
Avoiding blinking or flickering elements.
The use of validated HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Standards Compliance
We have strived to ensure our website conforms to level AA compliance as specified by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
We have worked with the charity, AbilityNet, to go through our designs, then to test key elements of our site. Pages are also tested in a variety of screen reading applications.
Skipping to main content
If you’re using a screen reader or keyboard, you can use the ‘Skip to content’ link at the top of every page to skip the navigation.
Making the text bigger
You may be able to change the text size in your browser.
Change the colours
We’ve tried to use colours that make the words on our webpages easy to read, but we know that some people have trouble with reading text on certain colours. You may be able to use your own colours with your browser.
Background, text and colour
We have thought carefully about text and background colour as well as text to support people with a range of impairments.
We've designed all pages on our website so that all information that is conveyed with colour is also available without colour.
Font and text size
While we've used clear, legible font for all text and headings, we realise it may not be everyone's personal preference in size. You may be able to change the text size in your browser.
We encourage all our partners to think about the accessibility of their online and offline documents. This includes encouraging all non-HTML documents on websites, like PDF (Portable Document Format) files, to be made accessible.
Where this is not possible, we aim to provide them in Word format too. Some resources are also available in other formats, like Easyread.
For documents provided in PDF or Word document format, you may need to install some free software:
If you can't open PDF documents, download the latest Adobe Reader software.
If you can't open Word documents, download the latest Word viewer software.
Non-text elements
Providing alternatives for non-text elements gives those with visual impairments and screen-reader users more access to our website.
Images, videos and other non-text elements
We've made it possible to use our site without having to view graphics or images. We provide descriptive alt captions.
All new video content produced by us on this site or on on our YouTube channel is available to watch with subtitles. Sometimes, if we embed others' videos, they may not have open or closed caption options. We strive, where we can, to promote their usage in many environments.
Links and navigation
We've made navigation links consistent between pages throughout the site. The site is also accessible using only the keyboard.
Links on the site always use text so that they make sense on their own.
Pop-up windows
Our website does not use pop-up windows.
Forms and tables
Clearly labelled tables help readers to understand the content on a page and to fill in content into correct form fields.
We do occasionally use tables for layout but we ensure we follow WCAG guidelines. This means tables do not have any structural mark-up for visual purposes and they make sense when presented in a linear way.
Preparation of this accessibility statement:
Get Out Get Active’s accessibility statement was last updated in 2016. We will be undertaking a more in-depth accessibility check when resources are available to complete a full review.
If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, or audio recording email: or call 01509 227750, or alternatively email or call 0161 228 2868 and we’ll consider your request and get back to you in five working days.