Forth Valley launch their adapted cycling course
Forth Valley Disability Sport’s new Get Out Get Active (GOGA) project held their first adapted cycling course this week
Six volunteers attended a full fun day training course held at the Falkirk Stadium on Monday 27th March, in partnership with Cycling Scotland and Blazing Saddles. This was a great course looking at the various adaptive bikes, how to support individuals to learn to ride and furthermore how to lead a cycle on the correct paths.
We all got the chance to cycle through the Helix Park, switching bikes as we went, and enjoyed the lovely sunshine along the way. Both Graham Harvey and Eva Finlayson from FVDS were on this course. Thank you to everyone involved.
Our volunteers can now support our GOGA project by leading led cycles throughout our community. We hope to provide this training again in the future, if you’d like to get involved then please get in touch: