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GOGA activities in Wandsworth

We are Enable Leisure and culture, a charitable trust who deliver sport and leisure services across the London Borough of Wandsworth. We believe everyone should have the chance to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. That’s why we work hard to inspire people to make better lifestyle choices.

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We decided to launch our GOGA programme in Roehampton, a deprived ward of the Borough. The area statistically has lower levels of activity than the London average and higher levels of crime and unemployment. We felt that the GOGA funding could make the most impact in this area and provide opportunities for some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.

This week we launched our second 55+ sporting memories programme in Roehampton. The activity lasts 1.5 hours and encompasses a mix of reminiscence therapy and mild physical activity, to address both mental and physical wellbeing. The participants also receive tea and coffee throughout the session, and are encouraged to socialise.   

We have been working closely with Wandsworth Council Sheltered Housing schemes to promote the Sporting memories session to isolated elderly people in the ward. The launch day attracted a range of elderly people from the area, from a gentleman who was rock star in the 80s to a 5’1 retired female security guard! Using resources provided by partners Sporting Memories UK and Fulham Football Foundation, the group discussed past sporting legends and reminisced about old memories. In between the discussions we did some mild activity, including chair based stretching, a basketball challenge and boccia. Some amazing stories came out of the session, with some participants saying it had been the best experience they had all year!

Following our success with the first two sporting memories programmes, we intend to launch the programme in 2 more venues in the area, and bring all the groups together once a month in a central community venue. From the first two blocks of sessions, we have learned the importance of the facilitator in delivering to elderly people, and creating a comfortable social atmosphere for all to participate in. 

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For further information on GOGA in Wandsworth please contact Emma Toft on