Latest opportunities from Disability Sport Fife
Second Walking Football Session for Fife thanks to GOGA
As part of the GOGA in Fife programme (Get Out and Get Active) supported by Spirit of 2012, Disability Sport Fife (DSF) has set up the second in a series of new football initiatives to encourage non active people to be active.
Indoor walking football at Kirkcaldy Leisure Centre is being introduced to the ever expanding weekly DSF sessions. DSF hopes to encourage adults with additional support needs who are keen on football but can no longer cope with football as they used to play it; juniors who may feel more at home walking as opposed to running; participants with additional support needs who require a buddy for sports.
Walking football has become really popular across Scotland. DSF is joining forces once again with partners Active Fife Football Development and the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust. Dave Costello from the Active Fife Scottish FA Football coaching team will lead the session.
Monday 18th September – end of March 2018 – 13 15 – 14 15
Venue- Kirkcaldy Leisure Centre.
For more information please contact