Getting Out and Active for Movember
This week we are celebrating Movember. As the November campaign comes to a close, we are raising awareness of men's health by sharing stories from some of our GOGA male participants and volunteers.
Fife teenager thrives on being active
Disability Sport Fife is proud of the quantity and quality of role model athletes it has across Fife and the example they set in lots of different activities and sports. Andrew Chapman is 17 and attends St Columba’s High School in Dunfermline and throughout his life he has demonstrated commitment to physical activity including sport. Andrew is a Fife teenager who is an excellent role model and athlete.
Andrew has always made the most of school physical education opportunities and until quite recently was a member of a mainstream swimming club. The pace of club training has dampened his enthusiasm in later teen years but not entirely, and a move to Disability Sport Fife improver sessions has retained his enthusiasm for the sport. Andrew is a regular at the DSF swimming championships and this year competed in his first national championships for swimmers with Down Syndrome.
“Andrew is a home bird who needs a lot of persuading and cajoling to get him out of the house” says mum Eileen “but once he is at an activity he usually enjoys himself”. In July of this year Andrew registered for the Get Out Get Active (GOGA in Fife) programme supported by Spirit of 2012 and “we cannot believe the difference this has made not only to his physical health but to his wellbeing. Andrew attends swimming lessons twice a week which are pitched at his level and where the coaches understand that he needs regular breaks and distractions to help him to stay involved in the sessions. His technique is improving and his enthusiasm for swimming is returning.”
“Every Monday night Andrew asks if it is time to go to the Michael Woods Sports and Leisure centre for multi sports. The sessions mean that he is active but he is also having great fun; running about playing basketball, table tennis, short tennis or badminton. Initially we thought two hours activity would be too much for him, but now we can't get him to leave after the first hour as he loves the active recreation and the socialising! Not only is he learning the skills needed for each discipline but he is also learning how to play as part of a team and to cope with competition (and not always winning.) And he is doing it all with a smile on his sweaty face.”
Teachers at St Columba’s High School are aware of how much Andrew is improving at basketball and badminton and have asked him to buddy the S1 pupils in their PE lessons. Andrew feels good about himself and the school community is being encouraged to develop more positive attitudes about pupils with disabilities. Andrew Chapman is a fine athlete role model and a highly respected member of Disability Sport Fife. Andrew and his family recognise the social, psychological and physical benefits of regular engagement in quality active recreation and sport and plan their week accordingly.