Keep up to date with our latest GOGA news. To send us your news, please get in touch!
Today, we hear from Pam from Disability Sport Fife, about her aspirations for GOGA.
Today, we hear from Emma from Volunteering Matters about her aspirations for GOGA.
Today, we hear from Rachael from Inspiring healthy lifestyles about her aspirations for GOGA across Wigan.
Today, we hear from Vicki from Live Active about her aspirations for GOGA.
Today, we hear from Julie from Women in Sport, about her aspirations for GOGA.
To mark the week, GOGA is celebrating some of the fantastic women working on the programme. Today, we hear from Debbie, Chief Executive of Spirit of 2012, about her aspirations for GOGA.
Read here about some of the latest activities happening in Fife
Find out about the latest GOGA news from Forth Valley in Scotland
Step Change Studios’ new inclusive Latin and Ballroom classes will launch on Saturday 10 June from 3.30-4.30pm in the main hall at The Abbey Centre, 34 Great Smith Street, London SW1 3BU. The launch class is free, and following classes £9 per class.
A big 'Thank You' to Forth Valley Volunteers
Angel is supporting the Bradford activities as a volunteer. Here, she tells her story.
Get Out Get Active is working with Volunteering Matters to ensure more volunteers can access opportunities all year round.